January 02, 2007

A day in the life of...

A day in the life of Mabel Kotei:
As a single parent, Mabel has to provide for six children. She runs a cafe stall at a taxi station in Accra, Ghana. A loan from a charity has allowed her to expand her business and so provide food, housing and schooling for all her children.

January 01, 2007

Sponsors video

Sponsors video:
Sponsors from the UK take a trip to Ghana to meet the people on the ground that benefit from the work of the charity, Opportunity International.

Rose's story

Rose's story:
Rose is a Ghanaian widower who has to provide for four children. Thanks to a loan from a charity, called Opportunity International, she has expanded her business and is now a successful plantain trader.

Trust Bank

Trust Bank:
Many traders in Ghana are not able to raise collateral for business loans. The charity Opportunity International offers them a system whereby they can co-guarantee the loans of fellow traders in their community and receive training to help build up their businesses.